Monday, August 30, 2010

time is life

im ashamed to admit that my top reasons for gg to the external course today was because of the novotel buffet lunch and ot pay. yeeks but im glad i got something meaningful out of this course. jus like any other motivational and self help courses, lots of great ideas and skills overload but as they say... if you dun use, u lose it!

as the title reveals, the course was abt time and stress management. haha the best course to pick for the buffet lunch, tinking dat it will be less stressful with minimal participation and true enuff! yes it was!

the course was able to motivate me to go running just now and to complete some readings on my project, not bad at all!

some brief notes for myself..

- he mentioned about writing a journal for life and it will be a great and priceless gift to ur kids in future. and you can also get a autobiographer to write a biography for ur parents or grandparents, cheaper alternative will be to get a student doing com studies to do it for a reasonable price.

-start with a quest in life and have mile markers along the way to help you get to ur goal

-have 2 holidays a year with one at least 10 days long!

-plan ur day

-nothing is impt to worry about

-be proactive

- be realistic

-perfectionism only leads to frustration

-prioritize to maximize

- coe = certificate of extortion

-time is life and never to let ppl steal ur life

and last but not least, the quality of life improves by the time allocated to the right activities - by Podolinsky, the speaker for today.

another course tml, hopefully i dun come back and bullshit abt firefighting or first!


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