Tuesday, August 17, 2010

so bored so i blog

i guess the title says it all! anw i wonder if blogging helps to improve my email writing skills... hope to be good at it someday as it is a great skill to have for work and i hate it now. bleah. maybe they should have an off-site course for it and i will definitely sign up.

i feel so bored yesterday idk y but i dun feel like doing anything too... monday blues even when not working??? manage to catch alot of tv shows yesterday and realise that they all end at the climax which made me -_- cause i will not be catching them later and too lazy to watch it on xinmsn.

wadever la, i feel bored now even though i'll be out in an hour time. shopping, din din and ktv with the tapsters, no cramps pls!!!

...so random and so late... haha AGG grad! congratz!


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